Monday, March 2, 2009


Savannah has come a long way since her surgery. She started out horrible and completely inconsolible for the first week after her surgery. She was in pain a lot, and she was constantly fussy and difficult to deal with on a daily basis. We thought she was going to be like this the whole six weeks, but thankfully she's recently taken a turn for the better.

One week ago today, she woke up a completely different child. She was much happier, smiling much more, and appeared to accept her situation a lot better. She was suddenly more alert, happy, and wanting to play in her spica table. I didn't know if it was just a fluke she was having a good day or if it would continue in the days to follow, but we were happy and just counted our blessings. Fortunately, that day was the start of many more "good" days.