Monday, October 6, 2008

More Updates..

I just wanted to update everybody again. Last week Savannah fell on her left hip, scaring me and her dad very much. At first she could not walk right, but after her dad and I looked at her leg and hip and moved it around a little, she was fine. I called Children's as a precaution, and was told to call her orthopedic doctor the next day. Later this same night, her brace split in half, just missing her leg. It would have cut her leg had it not missed, so I'm so thankful it missed. When it rains, it pours!

I called the ortho the next day, and we had an appt the following day to check things just to be safe. We had her brace repaired, and then she had x-rays done. Thankfully the fall did not do any damage on her hip. Everything still looks the same as it did two months ago, meaning no improvement. Not sure what to think of that, but just trying to remain optimistic. I really don't want to see her go through another surgery, so I am still praying for a miracle.

We go back in December for her next follow-up. I am praying that we get a good report. Until then, I'm keeping my head held high, constantly praying, and just enjoying every minute of everyday with my beautiful little girl.

Thanks to those who read this and are also praying for my daughter. Your well wishes mean the world to me.

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