Friday, September 7, 2007

Another Open Sore!

We have another open sore! I can not believe this is happening. We just had another laser treatment done yesterday.

I noticed the spot while changing her diaper after we got home from daycare. She was throwing a huge fit, and she didn't want me anywhere near her bottom. Usually after a laser treatment, she is perfectly fine and fuss free during diaper changes. The fit she was throwing was a huge red flag. I checked her bottom closer and discovered an open spot. It is right underneath the spot we just had lasered. It almost looked like somebody accidently scratched her while changing her diaper. I can't help but wonder if that's exactly what happened and if it happened at daycare.

I have tried getting in touch with Dr. Kincannon, her specialist, but I haven't had any luck at all. I even sent him an email, and that was returned to me. Evidently, his email isn't working right now, or he's changed email addresses. I even called Arkansas Children's Hospital to explain the situation to see if there was a way to get in contact with Dr. Kincannon. They sent me from one person to the next until finally I was disconnected. It's really frustrating to have no way of getting in touch with somebody when something like this happens.

To make matters worse, the daycare is refusing to treat her hemangioma with the antibiotic ointment that was prescribed to her unless I can get Dr. Kincannon to fax them a letter stating it is ok for them to apply the ointment during every diaper change. I am really upset over this because I can't get in touch with the doctor until after the weekend. I left a message at the Dermatology clinic after I picked her up from daycare. Now I have to worry about what is going to happen to her little bottom if it's not treated properly all day Monday while I am at work. This is exspecially upsetting since we have a new open sore we are dealing with on top of the one we just had lasered.

I hate this. I know it could be worse. I know she could have one on her head, nose, ears, eye, throat, etc. I get sick of people always telling me it could be worse. I know it could be worse, and I am very thankful and blessed that it is not worse. That doesn't make watching her go through all these laser treatments any easier. She's my baby, and I can't stand watching her go through all this. It's not fair that she's having to deal with this. I wish it were me instead. It just makes my heart wrench. I love her so much!

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