Friday, September 14, 2007

Dr. Appointment!

We saw the doctor today, and Savannah has a bad cold.

That crud has been going around, and I think every baby at daycare has it now. It all started up again when these twins started coming to daycare twice a week. Those boys were always snotty, and I bet that is why all the other babies are now sick. I don't and never will understand why parents can't keep their sick children at home away from other kids. I guess I am one to talk since I took Savannah to daycare today, but then again, all the babies are already snotty. She wasn't running any fever, or I would have taken off work and stayed home with her. I hate nothing more than leaving her at that daycare well, let alone when she's sick. I want to be a SAHM (stay at home mom), and I am praying that one day that will finally happen for me. In the meantime, I am forced to tolerate having to leave her every day, but I seriously hate it!

We went grocery shopping (35-40 minutes away from where we live), and we took Savannah with us. She played all the way there, but she slept through the whole store experience and all the way home. I really thought she'd be up all night as much as she'd already slept. I guess she really feels bad because I medicated her, Matt fed her, and she went right to sleep.

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